british adj. 1.不列颠的,英国的。 2.不列颠人的,英国人的。 3.英联邦的。 4.古英语的;英国英语的。 n. 1.〔the B-〕〔集合词〕英国人;英联邦人。 2.英国英语;古英语。 the British Commonwealth of Nations 英联邦。 the British Empire 英帝国。 the British House of Lords [Commons] 英国上[下]议院。 the British Isles 英伦诸岛〔包括不列颠、爱尔兰和曼岛〕。
They both have british passports . but you ' re right about her accent 他们都有英国护照。但你说她的口音不同,是很有道理。
A british passport isn ' t enough for me ! i don ' t want to be a man who has a name , 光要一个英国护照我是不干的!我不想当个名不副实的人
He bartered it down to 490 euros , but the bar owner ended up taking 990 euros off his credit card anyway . the tourist , who is from hong kong but lives in germany and has a british passport 虽然讨价还价后,这名游客和老板讲好了价钱, 490欧元,但最后老板还是从这名游客的信用卡上划走了990欧元